Tuesday, March 16, 2010

what i thought before i fell asleep last night

i can look at my kids fifty times a minute for fourteen hours and feel like i never really saw them all day.

the most impressive thing to me about God was his massive, intricate, layered, and unending creation.

now it is His sight.

Monday, March 15, 2010

25 things about me i will not post on facebook: a revision

5. we spent 10 days in kaua'i. i realized there my best friend is indeed my husband joel.

we have a jim, jo, jill. vern always gets his attention in a crowd. just like our oldest will say his dad's given name in a sea of daddies, i say vern. sometimes he calls me fred. it makes no sense.

best friends' inside jokes rarely do.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

From that day on, if I was ever going somewhere, I was running!

commitment, courage, determination, fantasy, perseverance, and strength.

according to lady footlocker and disney parks, these are the qualities of a true princess. and specifically, today, of the athletes in disney's princess half-marathon.

i've known megan as a brownie, band geek, cross-country runner, harry connick stalker/jean claude cry-baby, drama queen, quiz bowl champion, tuba baby eating something-or-other, graduate, engineer, bride, mother...

and now.


which makes me giggle cuz not so long ago i'd imagine if someone called her a princess, she might have smacked them.

i don't know how her race went, or if she met her time goal, or if she hurled.

those things are really secondary to how proud we all are of her, and i couldn't think of a better way to show her than to post it.