Sunday, March 7, 2010

From that day on, if I was ever going somewhere, I was running!

commitment, courage, determination, fantasy, perseverance, and strength.

according to lady footlocker and disney parks, these are the qualities of a true princess. and specifically, today, of the athletes in disney's princess half-marathon.

i've known megan as a brownie, band geek, cross-country runner, harry connick stalker/jean claude cry-baby, drama queen, quiz bowl champion, tuba baby eating something-or-other, graduate, engineer, bride, mother...

and now.


which makes me giggle cuz not so long ago i'd imagine if someone called her a princess, she might have smacked them.

i don't know how her race went, or if she met her time goal, or if she hurled.

those things are really secondary to how proud we all are of her, and i couldn't think of a better way to show her than to post it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this. You know I love you!!! And I couldn't have kept going on with the training if not for the support from you and my other princesses, behind the scenes, making it happen. :)

    And, for the record, I did not hurl. :)


i have nothing witty to say here, but i think it's fun when other people do.